You are cordially invited to celebrate the marriage of
We invite you to share in our joy and request your presence at the wedding of
And the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.
Mark 10 : 8-9
Mr. Ir. Chandra (Ong Tek San)
Mrs. Sundari (Ko Hwie Lan)
We met each other for the first time at a church in Bandung, 2010. And officially in a relationship on February 10, 2012. 9 years together, we have gone through various memories together. Initially, we planned to get married on August 14, 2021, but due to the pandemic conditions that required us to rearrange our wedding date.
Here we are at the Altar about to be committed fully and wholly to each other, in the presence of God and you all, our beloved friends and family.
Kami pertamakali bertemu di tahun 2010, di salah satu gereja di daerah Bandung. Saling mengenal satu sama lain, dan resmi berpacaran tanggal 10 Februari 2012. 9 tahun kami sudah bersama, saling mengenal, dan melewati berbagai cerita bersama. Rencana awalnya, pernikahan kami akan dilangsungkan tanggal 14 Agustus 2021 yang lalu, tetapi karena kondisi pandemi mengharuskan kami untuk mengatur ulang tanggal pernikahan.
Di sini, di depan Altar, kami akan berkomitmen penuh satu sama lain, dihadapan Tuhan dan dihadapan keluarga dan teman-teman yang kami kasihi.
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We are truly blessed by your virtual presence. Thank you so much for loving us.
We hope you are all safe and sound wherever you are. See you soon!